So part of any weight-loss program or for your all-around fitness and health might include counting calories.  It’s important so know there is a baseline number of calories that your body needs just to function each day.  This baseline is known as your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

Think about it.  Your body burns calories with every breath you take, with every heartbeat, with every step you take, and every move you make.  Wait… that was almost a song by the “Police”!

Anyway, if you are counting calories how do you know what the minimum amount of calories you will burn each day just by living?  You want to eat that amount at the very least in order to stay healthy.  In addition, if you don’t each enough calories you risk not getting enough nutrients and your body can actually slow down your metabolism because it “thinks” you need to reserve energy as a result.

Start here with this BMR calculator on to learn your baseline calories that – at a minimum – you should be eating each day.

Make sure to follow the first step of filling out the form and clicking “Calculate”.  Then find your activity level in the chart beneath your BMR results and you will find your baseline of daily calorie needs.

And remember to refer to the form and chart as your weight and activity levels change!

Image courtesy of

Here’s to your good health and even better fitness!  May you achieve your goals and feel better each and every day!

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